Back home growing up we called the crisp round cracker bread with the hole in the middle “hard tack”. Oh boy, I thought, we’ll have to see if they have the same thing in Sweden. And, well… yes, we found out that they do…but it will be a while before we ‘get around’ to trying…
A Few Toe Tappers
Sockerbagaren En sockerbagare här bor i staden,han bakar kakor mest hela dagen.Han bakar stora, han bakar små,han bakar några med socker på. Och i hans fönster hänger julgranssakeroch hästar, grisar och pepparkakor.Och är du snäller så kan du få,men är du stygger så får du gå. The Pastry Baker A pastry baker lives here in…
And They Said It Could Never Be Done…
Prior to His ascent to heaven, the Savior charged His tiny band of disciples: “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations” (Matt. 28:19). Although this task seems overwhelming, President Boyd K. Packer, Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, has called us to act with faith: “Some who measure that challenge quickly say,…
On A Personal Note
There is always something you come across during the day that makes it just a little bit special! Also, we have heard from our kids lately – We LOVE them! It’s so gratifying to see from the pics they send that things look pretty normal!
And It Came To Pass!
…And now it has been five days since we arrived in Sweden and already we have our dance card plumb full! The first day we arrived we were met at the airport by President and Sister Youngberg, and the office couple, the Baileys. Of course we had to have the traditional Swedish Flag welcome picture…
Ready For Take Off!
The Provo Missionary Training Center (MTC) is only one of fifteen scattered around the world for the training of missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Our week here has been a marvelous experience. Some 2,000 young men and women from around the globe spend from three weeks to three months preparing…
Oh, The Places You’ll Go…And The People You’ll Meet!
Well, every beginning has an end unless the end is actually a new beginning! That seems to be the case for us as today was the last day of our formal training and instruction time here at the Missionary Training Center. It was amazing. Let me show you around and meet the people we shared…
…Go On A Mission They Said!
When the story unfolds we find the Neilsons waiting under their carport in the wee hours of the morning…waiting for the shuttle to take them to the airport for a flight to the MTC in Provo, Utah. (The MTC is the Missionary Training Center (click here for a tour!) where missionaries go to spend time…
Tempus Fugit!
Time is flying by so fast already! But we’ve tackled the check off lists, packed and repacked, studied, read, and prayed…fixed the house, said goodbyes, and we’re just standing on the street corner with our coats on and our suitcases in hand waiting for the 2:30 am shuttle coming Monday morning to come pick us…