The Blessing of Blessing

We recently were in Copenhagen, Denmark where we spent two days together with others from our branch in Karlskrona attending the Temple. It is always a special and peaceful experience. The Temple is the House of the Lord where we receive blessings and also provide blessings. We are looking forward to an opportunity to visit the Stockholm Temple as well. If you’d like to learn more about how blessings are shared inside the Temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints – this video is excellent!

Click Below:

And as for blessings?  Take your pick!  The assortment is endless; they are yours for the asking.  Blessings can be like getting a birthday cake with glowing candles along with all the feelings of delight that come with it.  Some blessings are like having a glass of cold water after a hard and strenuous hike which satisfies a thirst like you had never experienced before.  Big blessings, little ones…ones you wish for with all your heart and the ones that come and humble you when you know you deserve them the least.  Two things about blessings:  You can ask for them, but that doesn’t mean that you get to choose when you get them.  And secondly, you don’t ‘earn’ and ‘deserve’ on demand.  You have to qualify for them.  Blessings are given freely to… well, to bless us. 

We need blessings because we are so dependent while we experience life, learning to make correct choices and searching for happiness.    We simply need help beyond our own ability to go forward and to keep going forward every day.  Maybe in admitting this and in the recognizing of our own humanity, it propels us to seek inside ourselves for hope and come to realize that we need God and we need His divine help.

Blessings aren’t just for the asking. Everywhere you look you see the blessings of His kindness…blessings that comfort us, protect us, and guide us.  Look if you will and you will discover them.  Even in your moments of defiance His blessings are all around.  You breathe, you live, you see, you feel and think.  The freedom to make choices is a great blessing.  Make them well, as every choice carries a particular consequence. 

But what about a particular blessing you really truly want and even say ‘please’?  It’s the Giver of the blessing who gets to bless and the receiver of the blessing who in faith, must trust that in the Lord’s judgement and time, the ‘when and where and what’ of that which we ask for will be.  This includes even when we can’t understand ‘the why’ the blessing we desire isn’t given.  Thank goodness God knows when what I ask for would simply not be in my best interest and saves me from myself!  That’s a great blessing!

God knows the true intent of your heart, as well as what you need to become greater than you are today.  He loves you enough to never let you down.  You can trust Him.  You can do the same and feel confident that He is personally ever mindful of you and always will be. It really is a blessing to be blessed, to be grateful, and to be a blessing to others.

All our best….love, the Neilsons