…So Much More

A New Day – The Gift That Keeps On Giving

That midpoint of coming back from wherever the soul goes to when you’re asleep… and slowly waking up in the morning is study for thought.  Interestingly, it happens every day to every one of us….unless it doesn’t, of course.  But this morning it did and as I slowly came to realize the dawning of another day my thoughts began to think to the rhythm of the ticking of the wall clock.  The human body can only be awake and active for so long before the power to sustain itself needs to be replenished and whatever supersedes the human will eventually takes down the most resistant.  It’s not a choice not to sleep.  It’s also not a choice to wake up.  But it happens. Thankfully.  

The gift of a day…is a symbol of our relationship with Deity…of our being in the hands of God and our dependence on His governing timetable, mercy, love and individual plan for us.  As the fuzziness of sleep begins to give way to clarity of thought it dawns on me how good it feels and how grateful I am that He has given me a new day…not just ‘another’ day.   It’s like being born all over again every morning.  I get the opportunity to do ‘redo’s’… where I can keep trying to get things right.  I get time.  I get second chances.  I get first chances.

The best part is realizing how closely the gift of each new day reflects or mirrors the gift of the Atonement of the Savior.  Christ had to have had so much trust in His Heavenly Father to have willingly died and the faith to know that He would also ‘awake’.  The symbolism parallels our sleeping and waking and that we each have a unique purpose.   His life shows us by what he did and how he lived that we can also trust Him. 

He came to earth and lived His life as an example for us to learn from. He lives today. His sacrifice is important and so are His teachings…not just for this life but for when after our turn on earth of over we literally do go back to where we existed before.  Maybe this teaches us that each new day is a gift…a promise of hope for us to get to do better and be better and find out that our sacrifices in behalf of others is worth living for.

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