One For The Road…The One Ahead

Ponder past or present…time flies like the momentum of windshield wipers on a rainy day. There’s always a special excitement when New Year’s Day comes and the celebration is universal with fireworks, traditions, food, and family. And depending on your frame of mind and age you either stay up with the revelers to watch the moment the new year arrives or you go to sleep like usual and leave the key under the doormat so the new year can let itself in. Either way, the moon and the sun take their turns, the earth does it’s pirouette ballet, and January 1st takes center stage in our lives. You know there’s an old Swedish saying that says that you better have your house cleaned before New Years Day because whatever you do on January 1st you will do the rest of the year and nobody wants to clean the house everyday thereafter and miss all the fun! That’s good news for us! Because we woke up being missionaries! And then we had a nice lunch and visit with a wonderful family who also had invited us to attend a musical recital and service hosted at a local parish hall which was built in 1725. Not that young of an edifice according to Swedish standards of how old and cherished many buildings are here in Sverige.

We are definitely looking forward to the road ahead. We’ve enjoyed the ride so far, we’ve enjoyed the scenery, and enjoyed the ambiance of being here. But our mission is to bring people to Jesus Christ. Why that topic is the ‘elephant in the room’ is something each of us has to find the answer to. As missionaries we are here to serve, help, and let people know that it’s a given that we are literally children of a Heavenly Father who loves us and that fact never has nor ever will change. Why we’re here on earth, where we came from and where we’re going is on the map and the GPS as well. It’s not a secret that the original gospel teachings of the Savior have been restored with their original intent and purposes. It’s an oasis for sure for those whose focus is driven by a desire to find answers to life’s meaning for themselves and their families. Christ lives and governs the affairs of His church today. The word is out and He reaches out to guide and to bless each of us personally as we make choices from either the world’s table or from what He offers. The road is so much better when you know you’re on the road that takes you where you want to go and its so much easier when you have a reliable map: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints – check it out…ask questions…chat. You may just find the answers you are looking for to get you where you want to be. Safe travels!