In the beginning of December out come the Swedish candles…particularly the family’s traditional candle holder with four tall candles. On the first Sunday of the month which is the first of the four Sundays before Christmas the first candle is lit. The Second Sunday the same candle is lit plus one more. The same process occurs each week until all four candles glow together on the last Sunday before Christmas, celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. His epic act of being born to bless each one of us with eternal life by giving his life is celebrated all around the world and in heaven and in our hearts…
Many in the world are still without the grasp of understanding his magnanimous gift to us as we celebrate his birth with gifts to each other. Nevertheless, His example, teachings, and goodness reflect in the hearts of all of us in our caring for each other and choosing to act with personal integrity by doing the right thing. That is a gift we are all capable of giving and feeling good about – compassion and respect.
What does the Spirit of Christmas bring out in you? We hope it’s your best. We hope that in your heart there is hope, personal introspection, and the realization that you truly are important and loved. Jesus Christ has been spoken of for centuries – and he speaks today. Christmas yet again reminds us that He was born for us for a reason. And that reason is cause for every day to be a day of gratitude and celebration.
We are grateful for the cause for which we serve as missionaries and the blessing of sharing it. To our special family and friends here in Sweden and at home – may you feel our love, know peace, and have a personal best Christmas ever!