Christmas doesn’t come lightly in Sweden! But everything about Christmas is light – everywhere…in every window of homes or businesses the soft glow of advent candles and stars of all shapes and sizes herald the return of the season of Light. In a land where the dreariness of the long days of darkness in winter pervade, cherishing the light makes heart, soul, and home ‘Julig and Mysig’ (Christmasy, warm, and cozy!)
And say goodbye to the thinking that Swedes have smorgasbord only for Christmas dinner. Early in the month businesses, friends, and group activities pre-celebrate the holidays by advertising or inviting you to come join together for what is popularly known as “Julbord”… everyone’s own particular twist in preparing favorite Christmas foods in the traditional spread of wonderful tastes, deliciously appealing trays of cheeses, breads, meats, condiments, fish, potatoes, sausages, salads, and plates of ‘over the moon amazing’ desserts…all during the month of December. Families have their own Julbord on the 24th. Do not take this meal lightly and do come with an appetite – a healthy one!
Early in December we enjoyed our first Julbord at the Vaxholm Castle fortress in Stockholm together with other Senior Missionaries serving in the Sweden Stockholm Mission. It was amazing and delicious. Afterwards you could go up to the top of the tower to take pictures out over the water in the evening sky. Walking up the old wooden original steps winding around the stairway reminded you of just how old so many places in Sweden are. Wherever we go it seems like we’re walking inside of a history book and being a part of it.
Yes, it’s been really nice to absorb the ambience of Christmas in Sweden. In a few days it really will be Christmas and for Swedes it’s just the middle of their celebration. They don’t traditionally and literally ‘throw out the tree’ (another celebration!) until the 13th of January. They ‘party hardy’ here!
Nu Är Det Jul Igen!
“Merry Christmas. Here may you have a lovely candlestick – So fine you have never seen the likes of!“