And They Said It Could Never Be Done…

Prior to His ascent to heaven, the Savior charged His tiny band of disciples: “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations” (Matt. 28:19).  Although this task seems overwhelming, President Boyd K. Packer, Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, has called us to act with faith:  “Some who measure that challenge quickly say, ‘Why, that’s impossible!  It cannot be done!’  To that we simply say, ‘Perhaps, but we shall do it anyway.'”

President and Syster Youngberg,  Äldste and Syster Neilson, Äldste and Syster Bailey

Sweden is a land of contrasts, traditions, and wonderful people…

It could not be more beautiful here in Sweden.  The places around where we have traveled whether in city, suburb, or countryside are picturesque and harmonious.  The contrast of the traditional multi-colored homes against the blue sky with the clouds above and the green and gold hues of an incredible Fall are indescribable.  Each town no matter what its size has it’s own character and uniqueness.  Everyone we meet has been polite and willing to help us when we have questions.  We’ve been to Kalmar and Ronneby as well as Karlskrona visiting members or attending church.  When you ‘visit’ you most likely find that there will be time to talk but only over “Fika” which is when the table is set with perhaps something to make open faced sandwiches as well as a small array of some pastries and/or cookies along with a typical drink, like “Saft” (which is a lightly  flavored fruit juice most likely homemade).  Visiting is considered a fine art in Sweden and must be done properly!
