Hello! My name is Judy Neilson
My happiness comes from my passionate love for my family, my faith, my heritage and my Savior – Jesus Christ.
My husband, Erik and I find ourselves recently retired but busier now than when we had all five children at home! We enjoy the benefits of walking together and it’s during that time we share thoughts, make plans, discuss the future and reminisce about the past. He makes me laugh…helps me think through problems, and shares his point of view. I find being involved with and serving my family as a wife, mother, and grandmother, to be my most rewarding and enjoyable moments. Currently we are serving as service missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and were recently called to the Sweden Stockholm Mission.
How I live my faith…
I live my faith by following the teachings of the Son of the Living God, Jesus Christ. He lives and guides the affairs of his kingdom on the earth even today, never having wavered from the things which he spoke of and taught during his ministry. His teachings still stand for all of mankind as a witness of His love …providing a way for us as mortals to become clean from making mistakes and showing the way for us to again return home to our Father in Heaven when our turn on earth is over. What he gave to us and did for us came with a price: the sacrifice of his life on the cross to satisfy the demands of Justice…for our benefit, because we couldn’t take away our own sins. Only He could and He did it because of his love for us. Without His sacrifice in our behalf we would never have had the blessing of being able to return again to our Heavenly Father together with our families. Knowing that my family has the potential to be united together forever is a truth that gives me faith in Christ, hope in the Atonement, and love for Him and all people everywhere. I want to live my life to bring others to Christ so that they can learn of Him, know Him, and love Him…and find joy and happiness in His message of hope in the things he came to teach us.
Why the Doctrines of Jesus Christ mean so much to me personally…
After high school, I began to wonder if the rest of my life was going to be working five days of the week, washing my car on the sixth day, and on the seventh going to the mall… and then repeat ‘forever’. I couldn’t and didn’t want to believe that life didn’t have a better or more meaningful purpose. Surely, somewhere, there existed a reality that gave life meaning. And something inside me told me that it did indeed very much exist. But why was it so elusive for me? One day I was introduced to a group of young people my age from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They invited me to join them for their activities, and also to attend their Institute study group. They were so genuinely happy and it impressed me that they held to such high standards and STILL were so happy. I wanted to know why…I listened and learned truths that added to my understanding, and I asked questions and got answers that were clear and concise and literally made sense to me. As I learned about the nature of God, and realized that I was precious to Him as His daughter, my heart yearned to love Him, too, and have my own relationship with him….I will always treasure the moment I was blessed to know that I am a daughter of my Heavenly Father who loves me personally and knows my heart. My life now centers around gratitude…for my faith, my family, my blessings. It also centers around love and service, sharing my faith, being a good example, and blessing the lives of others. It all began with a desire for truth, and the faith to learn…and I promise you that it can happen the same way for you.
What blessings have come through my faith in Jesus Christ?
Who has never felt a longing for peace? Or searched for what our life’s true purpose is? I remember so well my own quest in seeking honest answers about life. The world was and is so out of harmony with itself, I found myself asking, “Is this all there is?” Then, an opportunity came to listen to the Gospel of Jesus Christ from the missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I learned about Jesus, who by the gift of His life and teachings is the only way to find personal fulfillment, eternal direction and truths, and lasting peace. Before I understood his personal role in my life I wondered if there really was hope. I will tell you heart to heart that learning of the life and mission of Jesus Christ will bless your life beyond your ability to imagine it. It did for me…and it will for you. You just have to listen…and that decision will make all the difference.